The Intersection 's Podcast
Oppressed and marginalized communities often use culture as a resistance mechanism, a platform to assert their attitudes and discuss issues relevant to them. Culture is often used to resist dominant ideologies and oppressive situations. Culture was and continues to be a resistance mechanism utilized by Blacks in America since slavery. The Intersection: Where Black Popular Culture Meets Social Justice,This podcast will examine and discuss the multitude of ways Black popular culture has resisted injustice within the United States.Black popular culture includes, Black literature, poetry, art, music, television, films
The Intersection 's Podcast
The 1619 Project
The Intersection
Season 2
Episode 3
Throughout history African Americans have enacted numerous forms of resistance including violent and non-violent tactics in all arenas, political, social and economic. Media, both broadcast and print in the Black community has always represented a counter-public for ideas and attitudes of this community as well as been significant to resistance struggles for African Americans. In fact, Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, stated that “if you’re not careful, the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the oppressor.” This episode examines the importance and necessity of the 1619 to assert Black Americans existence and history into the American narrative.